Journal of Medical Case Studies (JMCS)

Research Article

Development of Checklist to Assess Caregivers Perspectives and Preparatory Knowledge about Aphasia

Authors: Abhishek BP*

DOI: 10.23880/jmcs-16000127


Aphasia has a devastating effect on both the patient and the caregiver. As the onset of this condition is sudden it doesn’t offer time for the caregiver to gain preparatory knowledge about aphasia. If the preparatory knowledge is poor, then the empathy and mutuality would get affected. In order to carry out his/her role effectively a caregiver must have preparatory knowledge about aphasia, its impact on speech and language abilities of a person, co morbid conditions associated, rehabilitation services need for the patient to overcome the constraints induced by aphasia. The study aimed at assessing preparatory knowledge about aphasia in the caregivers. It had three parts part (a) concentrated on questions about impact of aphasia, part (b) testedthe knowledge of caregiversquestionnaire about the rehabilitation service while the last part, part (c) concentrated ontesting their knowledge about the responsibilities to be taken up.The questionnaire was circulated among four Caregivers (females) of four patients with aphasia, who were in acute phases. It was found that the caregivers had limited knowledge about the impact of aphasia. They knew that it would take time for the person with aphasia to recover and also the roles to assumed during this phase

Keywords: Impact; Burden; Preparation; Dilemma; Shock

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