Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250


Communication and Health for the Population in the Brazilian Legal Amazon

Authors: Ulysséa Leal D* and Acioly Fernandes PM

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000390


The Brazilian Legal Amazon region is home to the largest rainforest on the planet and spreads over a monumental geographical area (5,016,136.3 km2). Such grandeur engenders equally colossal contradictions: it concentrates impressive mineral fortunes, yet has the lowest social indicators; it gathers great biodiversity, but is the scene of the worst land disputes in the country. This region, called the Legal Amazon, is one of the largest ecological and biodiversity reserves on the planet, made up of 9 states and 808 municipalities and has 28.1 million inhabitants.

Keywords: Brazilian Amazon Region; Unified Health System; Health; Communication; Health Services; Right to Health

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