Physical Science & Biophysics Journal (PSBJ)

ISSN: 2641-9165

Review Article

The Physical View on the Structure of the Human

Authors: Dorda G*

DOI: 10.23880/psbj-16000271


The analysis of the being, based on the thinking process of the single human, shows that the experimental observation of the causal unity of the categories meter, kilogram, second, ampere is related only to the square of time. The further analysis of this important observation results in the finding of the mental feeling effect of the human, yielding the feeling effects of harmony, of beauty, of love and also of hate. These effects are related only to the linearity of time. The fundamental difference between the human and the animals is described by the observed independence of the animals on the mental feeling effect.

Keywords: Time; Causality; Category; Human; Animal; Free Decision; Feeling; Harmony

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