ISSN: 2642-6145
Authors: Siddiqui AF
Background: Blood transfusion plays a pivotal role in modern health care systems. Since the advent of components preparation, Packed Red Cell (PRBC) prepared by any of the standard methods are maximum used components, followed by platelet concentrate (RDP) or single donor platelet (SDP). As per the Drug and Cosmetic Acts (1942), amended time to time, blood and its products are considered as a human product and therefore strict quality assurance should be followed as per standard operative procedure (SOP). The background of this study was to evaluate the quality assurance of PRBC prepared by the two methods in our center and to evaluate the best method to adopt. Aim: to do the comparative study of quality assessment of PRBC prepared by two methods: buffy coat (BC) or platelet rich plasma (PRP) to evaluate the best method to adopt. Methodology: As adopted in the present study was to assess the volume, hematocrit, potassium level, residual WBC, sterility, and hemolysis of the prepared bags by either method as per standard operative procedure (SOP). Results: comprehensively the results obtained showed that as per volume and hematocrits, potassium level sterility and hemolysis there is no significance difference between two methods of preparation of PRBC, but residual WBC showed a statistically significant difference but in permissible limit as per SOP. Conclusion: In conclusion it was discussed that most of the adverse transfusion reaction whether immediate or delayed are due to residuals WBC, lesser the WBC in PRBC, lesser the transfusion reaction, therefore as per result obtained PRBC prepared by BC methods will be better option.
Keywords: Whole Blood; PRBC; Quality Assessments; Residual WBC
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