Open Access Journal of Astronomy (OAJA)

ISSN: 2996-6701

Review Article

Study the Structure of Phase Space in the Frame Work of Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem

Authors: Susmitha C and Prashant Kumar

DOI: 10.23880/oaja-16000120


The numerical technique of Poincare surface of sections is used to create the surface of sections and to investigate the stability of the phase plane in various systems. This includes investigating the dependence of mass ratio and amplitude of stability areas in the Sun-Jupiter, Sun-Mercury, Sun-Io, and Sun-Uranus systems on the Jacobi constant. The amplitude of the stability areas diminishes with decreasing mass ratio. The phase plane structure differs for smaller mass ratios than it does for larger mass ratios.

Keywords: Restricted Three-Body Problem; Poincare Surface of Section; Phase Plane

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