Open Access Journal of Veterinary Science & Research (OAJVSR)

ISSN: 2474-9222

Review Article

A Review of Rift Valley Fever: Its Epidemiology and Economic Impact on Livestock

Authors: Tariku F* and Rebuma T

DOI: 10.23880/oajvsr-16000267


Rift Valley fever is a significant zoonotic disease transmitted by mosquitoes, affecting domestic ruminants and occasionally humans, with substantial economic implications. This review highlights the epidemiology and economic impacts of RVF, emphasizing its emergence beyond traditional endemic regions, notably in recent outbreaks across Africa and the Middle East. RVF outbreaks are closely linked to climatic factors such as heavy rainfall and flooding, facilitating mosquito vector proliferation. While primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, the virus exhibits a complex multispecies epidemiology involving various hosts and vectors. The diversity of host and vector species present, as well as climate change, has resulted in outbreaks in previously unreported areas. However, in Ethiopia, the occurrence of the disease was reported, but clinical Rift Valley fever has never been detected or reported yet. Outbreaks lead to livestock market closures, trade restrictions, and substantial economic losses, particularly in countries heavily reliant on livestock trade. Vaccination, vector control, and movement restrictions are crucial for disease prevention and control. Understanding RVF's complex epidemiology and implementing effective surveillance and control measures are essential for mitigating its impact on both livestock and human populations. Collaboration between endemic countries and their trading partners is vital for managing the disease and ensuring food security.

Keywords: Economic Impact; Epidemiology; Mosquitoes; Rift Valley Fever; Vector

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