Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119

Book Review

Book Review ‘Akhlak Dalam Islam’ (Malay Version)


This book was first published in 1977 as a chapter in the book Islam and Modernism by Wan Muhammad Ali, published by the Bureau of Education and Research, Malaysian Islamic Youth. Since the first issue this book has never been reprinted or published again. After 40 years passed, and after the author Sheikh Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady died on 2013, the author felt called to revisit this writing, editing it and at the same time working on the publication of the edition so it can be read and studied by the young people now that seems to be in dire need of spiritual guidance and Islamic moral discourse in the lives of those who chaotic and seems to lose this common sense. As the author said, the cultivation of Islamiyyah morals can solve moral problems faced by humans in all ages, because of the truth in it is based on human nature does not change, whether those facts are about his own occurrence or about his main attributes, or about the properties that are opposite to it. In the face ambiguities about human nature in philosophical teachings relatively modern, Islam came to bring its teachings about human beings with attributes and with concepts that can save us. Understanding of Islamic morals as which is expressed in this book as well as its implementation in individual and community life will lead to the success of human life which is truly in saniyyah, which can save them from false teachings about human.

Keywords: Education; Human; Islam; Moral; Society

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