Open Access Journal of Mycology & Mycological Sciences (OAJMMS)

ISSN: 2689-7822

Research Article

New Location of some Gasteroid Basidiomycetes in Western Kazakhstan


Information about gasteroid basidiomycetes of western Kazakhstan is insufficient or significantly outdated. Therefore, the purpose of our work was to add data on new locations of some gasteroid fungi. The material for the article was the authors’ own collections in 2023; preparation of mushroom preparations, their study and identification were carried out according to standard methods. This article provides data on two species of gasteroid basidiomycetes (Battarrea phalloides (Dicks.) Pers. and Montagnea candollei (Fr.) Fr. (M. arenaria (DC.) Zeller), which were collected from various habitats of Western Kazakhstan. The humic saprotroph Battarrea phalloides, quite widespread throughout the world, was previously noted in dry, sandy locations in the south, southeast and east of Kazakhstan. On the territory of Western Kazakhstan, the fungus was found only in the Aktobe region (the bank of the Itassai River and in the vicinity of Chelkar station) and in the Western Kazakhstan region (the bank of the Ural River). Fruiting bodies of the species are single or in groups of 2-3. The species is a relic of the Cretaceous period. Montagnea candollei is a widespread species, found mainly in dry, open, sandy places, in dunes, deserts, semi-deserts and steppes. The mushroom, found almost throughout the entire territory of Kazakhstan, was found by us in Aktobe, Mangystau and West Kazakhstan regions. Montagnea candollei was first discovered in the territory of the Mangistau region in five points, including both desert and low hills. The fruiting bodies have always been solitary. Data on their habitats (new location) with coordinates and short diagnosis with original dimensions and photographs of the fruit bodies were provided for each taxon.

Keywords: Battarrea phalloides; Fruit Body; Gasterocarp; Montagnea candollei; Species; Spore; Substrate

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