Annals of Experimental and Molecular Biology (AEMB)

ISSN: 2689-8039

Research Article

Evaluation of Proximate and Mineral Compositions of Momordica charantia L. (Cucurbitaceae)

Authors: Chinyere Veronica Ilodibia

DOI: 10.23880/aemb-16000130


Momordica charantia L. is a significant medicinal plant that is becoming more well-known in dietetics and modern medicine. Proximate and Mineral compositions on the leaf and stem of M. charantia were evaluated to determine its nutritional characteristics using standard techniques. Data obtained were analyzed using independent sample T-test with SPSS software version 21. Results showed that the parts contained all investigated nutrients but in varied quantities. The leaf had higher percentage of moisture (10.38±0.01 %), crude fiber (18.76±0.03 %) and carbohydrate (22.10±0.04 %), while the stem had higher dry matter (90.56±0.03 %), ash (23.45±0.01 %), ether extract (11.28±0.01 %) and crude protein (18.14±0. 03 %). In the mineral composition, the leaf contained higher composition of calcium (90.34±0. 09 mg/100g), sodium (87.64±0.06 mg/100g), magnesium (48.76±0.01 mg/100g) and iron (10.17±0.01 mg/100g), while the stem contained higher composition of potassium (115.80±0.01 mg/100g) and phosphorus (59.90±0.42 mg/100g). This research validated the plant's possible applications. Therefore, these portions could be employed as a natural food source and also extracted to make medications and food supplements, as well as to improve animal feed.

Keywords: Proximate; Mineral; Composition; Nutrients; Momordica charantia; Supplement; Medicinals

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