Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine Journal (ACCMJ)

ISSN: 2577-4301

Research Article

Assessing the Long-Term Health Impact and Evolving Needs of the Zaatari Refugee Camp Population

Authors: Dr. Mohamed A Daabiss

DOI: 10.23880/accmj-16000240


Background: The global refugee population exceeds 20 million individuals, and the Al Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan houses approximately 329,811 refugees. Still, limited research has been conducted on the health trends and management of chronic pain among refugees in Jordan. This study aimed to explore the health trends and utilization of pain medicine services among refugees. Material & Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Al Zaatari camp, targeting refugees who reported experiencing pain and were referred to the chronic pain management clinic at the King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Center (KSrelief) in Jordan in July 2023. The data collected included the refugees’ age, gender, pain complaints, prescribed medications, and the frequency of treatment visits. Results: The study involved 145 refugees, with a mean age of 50.11 (15.45) years. The most common pain complaints were back pain (31.2%), knee pain (30.5%), and followed by shoulder pain (13.9%). The most frequently prescribed medications were paracetamol (85.5%), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (75.9%), and ultrasound-guided steroid injections (75.9%). Conclusion: Knee and back pain were the most prevalent complaints among the refugees in the Al Zaatari camp. It is crucial to provide these refugees with comprehensive healthcare services, including specialized care for chronic pain.

Keywords: Health Trends; Refugees; Zaatari Camp; Anesthesia; Chronic Pain Clinic

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