International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

ISSN: 2639-216X

Research Article

Diet Specific Protein Deposition of Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Authors: Chujun Li*†, Xiaoqing Kuang† and Zeshuo Liu

DOI: 10.23880/izab-16000600


This study investigated the protein deposition efficiency of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae. Five-day-old larvae of BSF were fed with pig feed or coconut meal. First, feed restriction was determined by comparing larval weight, the digested feed conversion efficiency (ECD), and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of larvae fed with different amount of feed (e.g., 100%, 80%, and 60%). Second, three feeding strategies were compared: the free feeding group (e.g., F, 100%), the low restricted group (e.g., L, 60%), and the high restricted group (e.g., H, 20%). The survival rate, the larval fresh weight, ECD, FCR, the apparent digestibility of proteins, and the larval protein content were analyzed. The regression equations of protein intake and body protein content were established. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the survival rate and ECD among group F, L and H on both pig feed and coconut meal. The larval fresh weight and FCR were lower with less feed provided. The protein deposition efficiency was higher in pig feed than coconut meal. These findings contribute to optimizing protein supplementation for BSF larvae, enhancing their potential as a sustainable protein source and waste converter.

Keywords: Black Soldier Fly; Diet; Protein Deposition

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