Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (OAJPR)

ISSN: 2574-7797

Review Article

Comprehensive Study on Pharmaceutical Delivery: Mouth Dissolving Tablets

Authors: Kiran S*, Khemchand S, Shivraj J and Dhananjay P

DOI: 10.23880/oajpr-16000319


Fast-disintegrating tablets are one of the most often utilized dose forms available, particularly for youngsters whose nervous and muscular systems are still developing in comparison to adults. in grownups. and in adult individuals who have hand tremors or Parkinson's disease. Due to swallowing difficulties caused by dysphagia, many fixed dose forms, including tablets and capsules, no longer comply with prescribed dosages, making therapy ineffective. Oral dosage forms and the oral route with certain constraints, such as first-pass liver metabolism, mental patients, at-risk patients, and non-co-operators, are the most recommended modes of administration for many medications. MDTs don't require water to dissolve; saliva does the heavy lifting. Saliva dissolves mouth dissolving tablets in less than 60 seconds at the very least. Additionally, these tablets digest incredibly quickly. Super disintegrates are added to MDT formulations to speed up the pace at which tablets break down in the buccal cavity. MDTs are advantageous due to their ease of manufacturing, appropriate dosage, strong chemical and physical makeup, and suitability as a substitute for both adult and pediatric patients. Due to MDTs' quicker rate of absorption and breakdown, the drug's dose form and in vitro release duration both lengthen and improve bioavailability. Both in traditional tablet and liquid dosing forms, MDT formulations provide unique benefits. There are numerous processes available for mass extrusion, direct freeze pressing/lyophilization, sublimation, cotton candy, phase transition, spray drying, and melt granulation. This review gives a quick introduction of MDT, covering its definition, advantages, requirements, and essential features. It also discusses its limitations, different development obstacles, and commercially available tablet formulations that promote rapid digestion, among other things.

Keywords: Super-Disintegrants; Mouth Dissolving Tablets; Mouth Disintegrating tablets

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