Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Mini Review

Botanical, Chemical, and Pharmacological Characteristics of Carob Tree (Ceratonia Siliqua L.)


DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000384


In Morocco the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.), is scattered in the wild or artificial state throughout the country. It belongs to the Ceasalpiniaceae subfamily of the legume family, is a sclerophyllous, xerophilic, thermophilic, calciclous and heliophilous species. The carob is a Mediterranean medicinal plant, it is characterized by ecological, socio-economic, industrial and ornamental importance. It is an agro-sylvo-pastoral species that can be used for the rehabilitation of degraded soils, thanks to its capacity to adapt to different edapho-climatic conditions. The most important producing countries are Spain, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Many factors affect the chemical composition of the fruit as well as its mineral content, for example the temperature, the origin of the cultivar and the harvest period. In therapy, this plant is known for its cholesterol-lowering, antiproliferative, antidiarrheal effect.

Keywords: Ceratonia siliqua L.; Sclerophyll; Heliophilous; Medicinal Plant; Thermophilic

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