Clinical Radiology and Imaging Journal (CRIJ)

ISSN: 2640-2343

Case Report

Giant Intrathoracic Lipoma: A Rare Presentation

Authors: Kaur G and Singh A

DOI: 10.23880/crij-16000228


Intrathoracic lipoma is exceptionally uncommon occurence. This report describes a case of 52-year-old male who presented with shortness of breath with chest pain, fatigue, and exertional dyspnea. A routine chest X-ray revealed a large homogenous mass in bilateral lung fields which on CT scan of the chest revealed a mass of fat attenuation in right thoracic cavity herniating retrosternally and involving left thoracic cavity with mediastinal shift to the left. Fine needle aspiration cytology confirmed it be a lipoma.

Keywords: Lipoma; Intrathoracic Lipoma; Giant Lipoma; Intrathoracic Mass; Fat Attenuation Mass

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