Open Access Journal of Gynecology (OAJG)

ISSN: 2474-9230

Research Article

Fetal Intra-Abdominal Cysts - Accuracy of Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis

Authors: Saiseema VS*, Venkataraman M and Farooq A

DOI: 10.23880/oajg-16000294


Intra-abdominal cysts are commonly seen on prenatal ultrasounds. They are derived from different organ systems. Differentials include renal, hepatic, mesenteric, ovarian cysts, choledochal cysts and many others. Postnatal course may vary from asymptomatic lesions to life threatening conditions. Thus the need for prenatal diagnosis which helps in predicting the clinical outcome and formulating the perinatal management. The objective of our study was to determine the accuracy of prenatal ultrasound in identifying fetal intra adbominal cysts and it’s correlation with postnatal radioimaging. We concluded that indeed prenatal ultrasound is effective tool to predict the occurrence and nature of intra abdominal cysts. Ultrasound is freely available as compared to Fetal MRI and is having high level of accuracy. With advances in ultrasound diagnosis, Fetal medicine centres are better equipped to manage these cases. Antental diagnosis of fetal intrabdominal cysts helps in preparation of the parents, involvement of neonatology and related disciplines; thereby optimizing the perinatal outcome.

Keywords: Intra-Abdominal; Hepatic; Cysts; Radio Imaging; Postnatal Scan

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