Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Review Article

Impact of Climate Change on Human Health: A Review of Literature

Authors: Farooqi Y, Akhtar K and Arif SH*

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000386


Background: The present article was written with the background knowledge of climate change and highlighting it relationship with health issues especially in tropical and Sub-Saharan African regions. There is a significant impact of global climate change on human health. This article highlighted the fundamental pillars of health including food security, air quality and water safety. Introduction: An anthropogenic activity such as urbanization, industrialization, and infrastructure development needs land. Deforestation is one of the straightforward ways to acquire lands for these developments. Large scale of deforestation taken place in last century led to increase of Green House gas (GHG) emission which subsequently led to global warming. Increase in atmospheric temperature led to many health problems notably, increase in incidence of infectious disease, emergence of new infectious agents, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Further, increased GHG emission led to depletion of ozone layer and increased quantity of UV radiation on earth causes various form of malignancies in human beings apart from poor air quality which contain particulate matters (PM), responsible for cardiovascular, respiratory illness and lung cancers. The effort of global environmental organization is to agree to cut the GHG emission to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels as per Paris agreement 2015, so that emergence of diseases and increase in incidence of these disease can also be decreased. Aims: This article aims to highlight the impact of climate change on health and to find out the possible measures to reduce the GHG emission and increase the quality of health affected by climate change and global warming. Conclusions: Active measures should be planned and implemented by local bodies and international organizations and to devise effective global strategies for mitigation and adaptation so that the adverse effect of climate change may not be detrimental to human health.

Keywords: Climate Change; GHG Emission; Deforestation; ARR; Health Hazards

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