Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Review Article


Authors: Lalwani K*, Thukral R, Gupta A, Agrawal S and Singh J

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000404


The basic principle of arch form in orthodontic treatment is that within reason, the patient’s original arch form should be preserved. These variations in arch form however, are not reflected in the preformed arch wires presently available and it is important to keep in mind during orthodontic treatment that if they are used, their shape should be considered a starting point for the adjustments necessary for proper individualization. Today, however, many normal variations are emphasized more than the specific type of arch forms. Recent studies nullify the existence of a single ideal arch-form template, indicating that dental arch forms are highly individual, and defining a single generalized shape and using variations of it should be avoided.

Keywords: Archform; Patients; Stability; Function; Esthetics

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