Open Access Journal of Cardiology (OAJC)

ISSN: 2578-4633

Research Article

Rosuvastatin plus N Acetylcysteine to Prevention of Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Low Mehran Risk Score

Authors: Habib M*

DOI: 10.23880/oajc-16000204


Objective: Contrast induced acute renal injury is the third leading cause of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury, several protective treatments options have been developed among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Our trial aimed to comparison between high dose rosuvastatin versus rosuvastatin plus N acetylcysteine to prevention of contrast induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing elective PCI at Alshifa hospital in Gaza. Methods: Randomize control trial included 100 patients who undergoing elective PCI at Alshifa hospital in Gaza, Group A: (N:50) patients received 40 mg rosuvastatin orally once daily for 3 days, on dose before undergoing PCI and two dose after PCI. Group B (N: 50) patients received 40 mg rosuvastatin orally once daily for 3 days, on dose before PCI and two dose after PCI plus N-acetylcysteine 1200 mg orally twice daily every 12 hours for two days, the first dose before PCI and other 3 doses after PCI. All patients were measuring serum creatinine level, creatinine clearance and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) before PCI and (2-3) days after procedure. Result: In Group A: nonsignificant reduction of serum creatinine level (P: 0.90), creatinine clearance (P: 40) but significant reduction of BUN was seen after treatment (P: 0.017). In Group B: Significant reduction of serum creatinine level, and BUN (P; 0.001). But creatinine clearance not significant changes were seen after treatment (P:0.72). On other hand comparison between two group was significant reduction of serum creatinine level (P: 0.046) in group B, but not significant changes in creatinine clearance and BUN were not significant (0.41, 0.34) respectively. Conclusion: High dose rosuvastatin plus N-acetylcysteine compared rosuvastatin had significant reduction of creatinine level among patients undergoing PCI.

Keywords: Rosuvastatin; NAC; Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury

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