Open Access Journal of Criminology Investigation & Justice (OAJCIJ)

ISSN: 3064-7940

Review Article

Examination of the Brain Stem Death Approach to Defining Death in an Organ Transplant Context and its Credibility with ‘Nigerian’ Values and Beliefs

Authors: Arinze-Umobi CN*

DOI: 10.23880/oajcij-16000120


Organ donation generally consists of two modes - living (largely less-problematic), and cadaveric (largely problematic). Cadaveric donation of solid organs is simply the process of solid organ transplant after the demise of its owner (deceased). Consequently, many approaches to death have evolved in order to procure more solid organs in the medical sphere today as a result of science and technology. However, these approaches to death are not without controversies such as the credibility of the approach with the Nigerian values and beliefs. To this end, this paper, examines the some key controversies surrounding the adoption of the brain stem death approach to defining death and its credibility with the Nigerian values and beliefs with a bid to chart a way-forward for the country. In gathering and analysing data, the writer used doctrinal method of data collection relying on local statutes, cases laws, textbooks, journal articles, international treaties, conventions and covenants. The writer found that although it may appear unrealistic to have an approach to organ donation that will be devoid of criticisms, a holistic adherence to the recommendations herein may significantly address fears of critics and possibly reduce controversies and tensions surrounding the approaches to death. More so, robust sensitization of the citizenry should be done to turn the rather, organ transplantation apathy to an enviable one.

Keywords: Brain Stem; Solid; Organs; Transplantation; Death; Donation; Cadaveric; Values; Beliefs; Credibility

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