Women's Health Science Journal (WHSJ)

ISSN: 2639-2526

Review Article

Labor Pain Management

Authors: Haider R*, Mehdi A, Das GK, Ahmed Z and Zameer S

DOI: 10.23880/whsj-16000233


Labor pain is a complex and multifaceted revel that substantially impacts the birthing manner. Effective pain control is vital to improve maternal comfort, reduce strain, and beautify normal childbirth satisfaction. This assessment explores various strategies for hard work pain control, encompassing both pharmacological and non-pharmacological processes. Pharmacological methods encompass epidural analgesia, spinal blocks, and systemic medicines, which offer extensive pain alleviation but might also convey capability aspect effects and dangers. Non-pharmacological techniques, including respiratory strategies, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and continuous exertions assist, offer alternative or complementary pain comfort with minimum adverse outcomes. The mixing of those methods into individualized pain control plans can deal with the various wishes and choices of laboring girls. Moreover, the function of healthcare carriers, in particular midwives and obstetricians, in facilitating informed picks and helping girls’ pain management choices is vital. This assessment underscores the importance of a holistic and affected person-focused technique to labor pain management, advocating for the combination of evidencebased practices with personalized care to optimize outcomes for both mother and baby.

Keywords: Labour Pain; Pain Management; Childbirth; Epidural Analgesia; Non-Pharmacological Method; Midwifery; Patient Centered Care

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