Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119

Review Article

Roots and Routes: The Journey from Nomadism to Sedentarization

Authors: Lucy M

DOI: 10.23880/aeoaj-16000247


Nomadic People and their lives are full of challenges. The nomadic people often stand at the cross roads in comparison to other communities when any concerted efforts are made to sedentarize them. In the process of sedentarization, these people are not just uprooted from their territory, culture, customs, ecology, economy, but their entire identity faces challenges from many sides. When they are sedentarized, they encounter issues which lend them in a place where they face acute dilemma. Starting from experiencing cultural shocks, identity threats, and occupational overhaul. This article tries to shed some light on the Birhor tribe (a nomadic tribe) when experienced sedentarization, a series of changes started following. When a nomadic community is permanently settled the whole social milieu gets entangled in a situation which drifts them apart from their customary ways of living and doing things.

Keywords: BNomadic; Birhor; Sedentarization; Pvtg; Tanda; Haat; Foragers

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