Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (OAJMB)

ISSN: 2576-7771

Research Article

Feeding Biology of Earthworms (Perionyx Excavatus and Eudrilus Eugeniae) and Bacteria Associated with their Guts and Vermicompost

Authors: Devi KB

DOI: 10.23880/oajmb-16000304


The feeding behaviours of Perionyx excavatus and Eudrilus eugeniae were carried out. P. excavatus and E. eugeniae took an average of 3h. and 3h. 30 mins respectively to fill their guts. So, in P. excavatus 8(eight) gut fillings could occur in a day whereas in E. eugeniae 7(seven) gut fillings could occur in a day. Analysis of gut contents and vermicompost bacteria revealed the presence of Bacillus sp. (A), Bacillus sp. (B) and Klebsiella sp. Micrococcus sp. was isolated only from the gut of Perionyx excavatus. However, it was absent in the vermicompost. Further, Proteus sp. was isolated only from the gut of Eudrilus eugeniae but it was absent in the vermicompost. Further, Proteus sp. was isolated only from the gut of Eudrilus eugeniae but it was absent in the vermicompost. The study emphasizes importance of the rate of organic waste materials movement through the intestine of the worm and time taken during passing through the intestine and microbial changes in the worm casts ageing in the plastic tub.

Keywords: Feeding Biology; Perionyx excavatus; Eudrilus Eugeniae; Gut Contents; Bacteria; Vermicomposts

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