Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access (NNOA)

ISSN: 2574-187X

Mini Review

The Relationship between Nanoparticles and Homeopathic Medicine: A Mini Review

Authors: Sheeba S*, Gopukumar ST, Ramya SS, Sanju S, Reghu R and Chenthik SJP

DOI: 10.23880/nnoa-16000318


Homeopathic medicine, rooted in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, operates on the principle of "like cures like" and involves administering highly diluted substances to treat symptoms. Despite its widespread use, homeopathy faces skepticism due to the extreme dilutions often beyond Avogadro's number, implying no molecules of the original substance remain. Recent advancements in nanotechnology suggest a potential role for nanoparticles in homeopathic remedies, bridging traditional practices and modern science. This mini-review explores the preparation of homeopathic remedies, which involves serial dilution and succussion, and presents evidence from a 2010 IIT Bombay study that detected nanoparticles in highly diluted homeopathic solutions. These findings challenge conventional views and propose potential mechanisms of action for homeopathic remedies, including biological interactions, energy transfer, and catalytic effects. While the presence of nanoparticles offers a plausible explanation for homeopathy's effects, the field remains controversial, necessitating rigorous, reproducible studies to validate these findings. This review highlights the integration of nanotechnology into homeopathic research, suggesting a promising path toward scientific acceptance and a deeper understanding of homeopathy's place in modern medicine.

Keywords: Avogadro; Homeopathy; Integration; Nanotechnology; Nanoparticles

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