Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research (OAJAR)

ISSN: 2474-8846

Research Article

Assessment of Awareness and Constraints of Aquaculture Biosecurity among Fish Farmers in Awka North and South, Local Government Areas of Anambra State

Authors: Ikechukwu CC, Okeke PA, Akinrotimi OA*, Ayaobu-Cookey IK, Nwankwo CG and Jacob AC

DOI: 10.23880/oajar-16000368


This Study investigated the level of awareness and constraints the farmers were facing in adopting effective biosecurity measures in their farms in Awka North and South Local Government Areas of Anambra state. Primary data were collected using a stratified sampling procedure to select fish farms. A structured questionnaire that focused on socio - economics characteristics of the respondent, aquaculture species, culture techniques and systems, Level of awareness of biosecurity, Units of the farm where biosecurity is practiced and constraints to biosecurity practices. A total of sixty fish farmers were involved in this study. Most of the fish farmers were male (50.00%), Investigation into years of experience indicated that most of them (58.30%) had 11-15 years of experience and were between the ages of 36-45 years, (50.00%) and they had been engaged in fish farming alongside with poultry production. About (86.70%) knew about Biosecurity. It is believed that this awareness will enable them to identify when there is risk on their farm and steps to be taken. Lack of Finance, inadequate information on Biosecurity, lack of materials, lack of interest, improper understanding of Biosecurity practices and Government policy were perceived as the major constraints.

Keywords: Aquaculture; Biosecurity; Fish; Awareness; Diseases

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