International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture (IJOAC)

ISSN: 2577-4050

Mini Review

Watershed Development-Present Status and Fisheries Perspectives in Indian Context

Authors: Meena DK*, Das BK, Behera MS, Kumar S and Dutta S

DOI: 10.23880/ijoac-16000331


India encompasses a rich aquatic biodiversity, hosting vast arrays of freshwater, brackish water, and marine ecosystems. These unique landscapes harbor abundant fisheries resources, constituting primary protein sources and income channels for millions. Fisheries are an essential source of food security, livelihoods, employment generation, recreation, trade, and foreign exchange earnings worldwide. However, over exploitation, pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, invasive species, and other anthropogenic activities threaten fisheries resources’ sustainability. Therefore, integrated approaches like watershed management can help restore and maintain aquatic ecosystem health, ensuring sustainable fish production while enhancing social welfare. This article explores the significance of watershed development in conserving fisheries resources and promoting their long-term viability.Watershed development plays a pivotal role in nurturing sustainable aquatic ecosystems and enhancing fisheries production in India. Amid intensified exploitative pressures coupled with changing climatic scenarios, watershed development emerges as an integral intervention toward sustainable fisheries conservation and management. Despite considerable progress made, certain constraints persist, necessitating targeted strategies for optimal outcomes. This article evaluates the current scenario, future possibilities, and viewpoints concerning watershed development vis-a-vis fisheries in India.

Keywords: Watershed Development; Fisheries; India; Status; Prospects; Perspective

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