Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838


Mechanoreceptor of the Hearing Organ

Authors: Jan M*

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000383


The receptor that receives auditory sensations from the outside world is part of the hearing organ, it is an exteroreceptor. Receiving signals at a distance, it is a telereceptor. It is stimulated by sound wave stimuli, which are mechanical energy - it is a mechanoreceptor. A receptor is a specialized cell of the nervous system that transmits received information through synapses and the auditory nerve to the analytical center in the brain. It receives and converts the mechanical energy of the sound wave into the electrical energy of the receptor potential, which leads to depolarization of the hair cell and the formation of an action potential. This is mechanotransduction.

Keywords: Mechanoreceptor; Hearing Organ; Exteroreceptor

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