Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119

Review Article

The Role of Diversity Inclusion in the Work Place, the Case of Shaggar City, Galan Sub-City

Authors: Tolera M

DOI: 10.23880/aeoaj-16000249


The main purpose of this study is to describe the Role of Diversity and Inclusion in the work place in Galan town. The study was conducted by using a purposive sampling technique via exploratory research design. Different categories of respondents were participated in this study. This study has employed a qualitative data. The purposive samples of 25 respondents who have ever experienced were interviewed and the total number of 20 participants with five groups of four members for each focus group discussion was participated in the study. To achieve the above objectives, the study collected primary data from different informants by employing qualitative data collection techniques through key informant interview, focus group discussions and observation. The secondary sources of data were obtained from different documents analysis. The main findings of this study revealed that there are impacts, limitations, challenges and gaps in creating awareness in implementation of effective Diversity and Inclusion in the study area. The other finding of this study also examines and capacitates the ability and role of Diversity and Inclusion was not successfully executed in the study area. Furthermore, the study indicated the role of Diversity and Inclusion in the study areas. Finally the study comes up by giving some conclusions on how the Diversity and Inclusion was examined. The study also recommended national recognition for the Diversity and Inclusion.

Keywords: Diversity; Inclusion; Work Place; Role

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