International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology (IJBP)

ISSN: 2577-4360

Review Article

Balancing Sustainability of Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials: An Overview

Authors: Mishra S*, Tiwari AM and Gupta P

DOI: 10.23880/ijbp-16000255


Nanomaterials, with their exclusive properties and multipurpose applications, hold incredible potential across various industries, ranging from electronics to healthcare. However, the environmental impact of these materials remains a critical apprehension as their usage booms up. This overview explores the complex association between nanomaterials and sustainability, directing to unravel their environmental implications even though advocating for a balanced approach towards their utilization. The environmental footmark of nanomaterials integrates their entire lifecycle-from synthesis to discarding. Vibrant considerations encompass the energy-intensive production developments, the latent release of nanoparticles into the environment, and their persistence and bioaccumulation. Although nanomaterials offer pioneering solutions, their unchecked propagation could exaggerate ecological degradation and posture risks to human health. Achieving sustainability in nanomaterials necessitates a many-sided tactic. This imitates integrating environmental considerations into the design and synthesis stage, implementing green manufacturing practices, and employing robust regulations to lessen latent hazards. This overview provides new insights to establish a strong embracing sustainability principle that can reveal the wide-ranging potential of nanomaterials however shielding ecological integrity for future generations.

Keywords: Ecological Integrity; Environmental Impact; Green Manufacturing; Nanomaterials; Sustainability

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