ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Rohit Kanojia , Jaiswal AK and Bhagat S
The sacred river Yamuna traverses through Delhi, transporting a multitude of contaminants and heavy metals, which subsequently contaminate the water utilised for irrigation purposes. Vegetables, which are essential for our survival, contain significant amounts of heavy metals such as Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and more. These metals are absorbed by vegetables from the soil due to irrigation with contaminated river water. Furthermore, the use of sewage water and industrial effluents has been highlighted as the main factor contributing to the contamination of heavy metals. It can lead to severe health consequences such as cancer, neurological damage, carcinogenic effects, and organ damage. Moreover, it has detrimental impact on the aquatic organisms that inhabit it, and when ingested by living organisms, it leads to harmful consequences. Cancer is a leading cause of mortality, and its aetiology remains unknown, however it is believed to be influenced by the daily dietary intake of individuals. Heavy metals present in vegetables can potentially contribute to the development of several chronic diseases. Several advanced elemental analysis techniques are employed to acquire accurate and reliable data in the assessment and characterisation of heavy metals present in vegetables grown in soil areas near the Yamuna River.
Keywords: Heavy Metals; Vegetables; Yamuna River; Cancer; Elemental Analysis Techniques
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