ISSN: 2639-2526
This study was carried out with the aim of determining the expectations and experiences of women during childbirth. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 117 women. The data were collected in two stages (before and after childbirth). Data were collected from using Personal Information Form, obstetric Information Form and The Thai Childbirth Expectation & Experience Questionnaire (TCEEQ). It was found that 76% of the TCEEQ items that each woman expected to happen did happen (fulfilled expectations), whereas 24% of these items did not happen (Unmet expectations). Of the items each woman did not expect to happen, 35% of the items actually did happen (Unexpected experiences) and 65 % of these items did not happen (Null experiences). It was found that there was a significant correlation between mean score of fulfilled expectation and satisfaction with the birth. (p=0.000). In this study, it was found that the women were satisfied with intrapartum care and most of their expectations were met. Overall, while there is a significant amount of research on this topic, there is still much to be learned about women’s expectations and experiences during childbirth, particularly from their perspectives.
Keywords: Birth Expectation; Birth Experience; Nursing Care
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