Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

ISSN: 2578-501X

Research Article

Evaluation of HemoQR (Haemoglobin Detection Test with Mobile Based Reading Application) in a Hospital Setting Using 200 Patient Samples in Comparison to the Gold Standard Method

Authors: Sagar RK , Banerjee S , Saturwar V , Gawande S , Ghosh S , Bajaj A , Gupta H , Dashora M and Chakraborty S

DOI: 10.23880/hij-16000262


Anaemia is a condition of the biological system which plays out differently depending on the group that is struggling with the condition. Women of reproductive age (WRA) are one of the most vulnerable groups to this condition and maternal anaemia is associated with increased mortality. Here in this work, we have compared two devices Device A (HemoQR) and Device B (automated haematology analyser [Cellenium Junior]) in a hospital setup using 200 samples from patients of different age groups. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy obtained from our study were 99.08 %, 98.92 % and 99.08% respectively. The results of this study were on point for the criteria of Anemia Mukt Bharat” (AMB) program initiated by the government of India’s Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. From the results of the data obtained from the study it can be concluded that HemoQR can be an efficient point of care (POC) haemoglobin detection test system using a mobile based application.

Keywords: Anaemia; Haemoglobin; Mortality; HemoQR

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