Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Research Article

Impacts of the Leachates of the Mpasa Landfill in the Surrounding Waters of the Ndamaba Neighborhood in the Municipality of N'sele in DR Congo

Authors: Ngandote MA*, Mudinga MD, Palabina GC, Bakaka BF, Nienie BA and Seki Khonde Thomas

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000391


Leachate produced at landfills constitutes a great danger for the environment and the health of the population. In order to answer the questions of a healthy environment, physicochemical analyzes of leachate and surrounding water (pond) was carried out. The samples were taken at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the discharge level and at the water level of the ponds. The parameters determined are: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chloride ions, calcium, magnesium, nitrates, phosphates and sulfate. The results of the analyzes show that the leachates produced at the Massant discharge have values such as Eques, the Ph exceeds neutrality (8.15), the temperature of 32° suggests that these leachates are excessively polluted, the conductivity characterizes a charged leachate, dissolved oxygen shows that the anaerobic phase of the pond given that the latter tells the leachates of the landfill. The ions mentioned above are also charged, this situation demonstrates that these leachates are the basis of the contamination of the pond water and possibly affect the health of the fish consuming population.

Keywords: Leachate; Landfill; Impacts; Pond; Population

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