Philosophy International Journal (PhIJ)

ISSN: 2641-9130


Intelligence not Knowledge is Primordial

Authors: Agusti Cullell J*

DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000336


The development of a free, creative, and wise collective intelligence that is harmonious in its functional, axiological, and liberating dimensions has never received the priority, attention, and means required as the interactive agent it is, which constitutes human life by creating the cultures in which we live. Rather than prioritizing the development of our innate intelligence, our true power, we have sought security and well-being in submitting to supernatural powers and in the production, possession, and accumulation of goods, including knowledge. This has created an unsustainable, ever-growing economy that has led to divisive and violent societies with enormous inequalities and ruled by domination and exploitation. Therefore, we have ended up living in an ill culture that threatens human survival and life on Earth.

Keywords: Symbiosis; Intelligence; ChatGPT

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