Public Health Open Access (PHOA)

ISSN: 2578-5001

Research Article

The Budget Impact of Itopride in the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia in Vietnam

Authors: Kim H*, Kim K, Bian A, Duc QT, Tuong TTK and Cuc NTT

DOI: 10.23880/phoa-16000294


Introduction: An estimated 7.8-22.4 million Vietnamese suffer from functional dyspepsia. Prokinetic agents, such as itopride, target this group of patients by enhancing gastric motility through amplifying and coordinating gastrointestinal muscle contractions. Itopride is currently reimbursed in public hospitals at Vietnam Central level hospitals (level 1) and provincial level hospitals (level 2) for the treatment of functional dyspepsia. This study analyses the financial impact of expanding the access of itopride for patients with functional dyspepsia to include level 3 (District level) hospitals + level 4 (Commune health stations) hospitals in Vietnam. Methods: A budget impact model was developed in accordance with the good practice guidelines from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. The model included both drug costs and healthcare resource utilisation costs. Results: The broadening of the reimbursement of itopride to include level 3+4 hospitals was estimated to provide benefit for between 13.7% (105,923) to 24.6% (89,343) more patients at only 3.3% (VND 41,742M) to 4.2% (VND 74,617M) additional costs over five years. Conclusion: Itopride is deemed to represent great benefit for patients suffering from functional dyspepsia in Vietnam.

Keywords: Itopride; Treatment; Functional Dyspepsia

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