Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

ISSN: 2578-501X

Case Report

An Interesting Case of a Patient with Prothrombin Gene (G20210) Mutation Developing a Thromboembolic Stroke

Authors: Miller M*, Klein J and Raedy C

DOI: 10.23880/hij-16000263


Introduction: Stroke is frequently diagnosed in the Emergency Department in older adults. Signs and symptoms are wellknown within the patient population, leading to established stroke workups in the hospital setting. When a younger adult presents with a stroke, an extensive workup is warranted for non-modifiable risk factors including hypercoagulability states, malignancy, and medication. Case Report: We present a case of a 51-year-old male with an extensive past medical history including ischemic strokes, left ventricular thrombus, and myocardial infarction, who presented with a stroke. After an extensive workup, he was diagnosed with Prothrombin gene (G20210A) mutation. Discussion: Prothrombin gene (G20210A) mutation is the second most common inherited thrombocytopenia and is highly associated with venous clots. However, extremely rare cases have occurred involving arterial clots, specifically in the brain. Conclusion: This case highlights the wide range of etiology for stroke and that extensive workup, particularly in patients under the age of 65, is critical to preventing future events.

Keywords: Thrombotic Stroke; Coagulopathy; Hematology; Neurology; Genetic Mutation

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