Nursing & Healthcare International Journal (NHIJ)

ISSN: 2575-9981

Review Article

Ambulance Crew Waiting Time: Causes, Impacts and Solutions- A Review

Authors: Alsaqabi M*, Alonazi M and Thani A

DOI: 10.23880/nhij-16000326


Ambulance crew waiting time, defined as the duration spent by emergency medical services (EMS) teams at hospitals before transferring a patient to hospital care, is a critical concern globally. This delay impacts patient outcomes, leads to operational inefficiencies, and increases healthcare costs. Various factors contribute to this issue, including hospital overcrowding, increased demand for emergency services, and poor communication between hospitals and EMS teams. This paper explores the causes and impacts of ambulance crew waiting time and reviews potential solutions for mitigating these delays, emphasizing the need for systemic improvements and technological innovations.

Keywords: Ambulance Crew Waiting Time; Emergency Medical Service (EMS); Hospital Overcrowding; Healthcare Cost

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