ISSN: 2474-8846
Authors: Lakhani AL*, Vala VS, Parmar NB, Kathiria RK and Vadher AL
Harvesting of groundnut is one of the most important operations in groundnut cultivation. During peak seasons due to the non-availability of labour, delay in harvesting of groundnut and results in heavy losses. For minimizing the labour problems during peak harvesting seasons and to ensure timeliness operation an attempt was made to develop a conceptual model of groundnut digger that will be able to uproot, pick and convey the plant and invert the plant of groundnut while moving through the field. To carry out the desired function, the groundnut digger comprise of a digging unit and conveying unit. The digging unit penetrates into the soil up to the desired depth and brings out the groundnut plants with pods on the ground surface. Conveying unit will pick up the plant and convey it to pod inverting mechanism which invert the plant and reduce the effect of aflatoxin in pods due to the saturated moisture.
Keywords: Groundnut Digger; Digging Unit; Conveying Unit; Inverting Mechanism
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