Vaccines & Vaccination Open Access (VVOA)

ISSN: 2578-5044

Review Article

Overview of Vaccines and Global Vaccination Coverage

Authors: Ozcirpici B*


Worldwide, it has been estimated that immunisation programs prevent approximately 2.5 million deaths each year. An additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided, however, if global vaccination coverage improves. Global vaccination coverage is generally holding steady. The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization identified 5 factors to achieving results in immunization coverage: quality and use of data, community involvement, better access to immunization services for marginalized and displaced populations, strong health systems, access to vaccines in all places at all times. Monitoring data at sub-national levels is critical to helping countries prioritize and tailor vaccination strategies and operational plans to address immunization gaps and reach every person with lifesaving vaccines. Countries are aiming to achieve vaccination coverage of at least 90% nationally and at least 80% in every district, introduction of one or more new or underutilized vaccines in all low-and middle-income countries, certification of polio eradication, measles and rubella eliminated in at least five World Health Organization regions by 2020. By 2016, 130 countries had reached at least 90% coverage of third dose of Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine. Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine had been introduced in 191 countries and coverage with 3 doses of vaccine is estimated at 70%.Global coverage with 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine is estimated at 84%.Human papillomavirus vaccine was introduced in 74 countries by the end of 2016.Of the children worldwide, 85% had received 1 dose of measles. Mumps vaccine had been introduced nationwide in 121 countries by the end of 2016.Pneumococcal vaccine had been introduced in 134 countries by the end of 2016, and global coverage was estimated at 42%. In 2016, 85% of infants around the world received 3 doses of polio vaccine. Rotavirus vaccine was introduced in 90 countries by the end of 2016, and global coverage was estimated at 25%. Rubella vaccine was introduced nationwide in 152 countries by the end of 2016 and global coverage was estimated at 47%.

Keywords: Vaccines; Vaccination coverage; Global

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