Nursing & Healthcare International Journal (NHIJ)

ISSN: 2575-9981

Research Article

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation among School Teachers of Selected Schools of Kheda District

Authors: Makwana P and Patel A, Parmar A, Patel B, Arya B, Solanki C

DOI: 10.23880/nhij-16000334


Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical life-saving procedure performed on individuals who are unresponsive, not breathing normally, and lack a pulse. Its primary goal is to manually maintain brain function until more advanced medical interventions can be applied to restore blood circulation and breathing in cases of cardiac arrest. CPR involves combining rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth) with chest compressions, typically at a depth of 5 centimeters and a rate of 100 compressions per minute. This method aims to artificially circulate blood to the heart and brain to delay tissue damage and provide a brief window for successful resuscitation without permanent brain injury. CPR is continued until circulation returns or until the person is declared deceased or emergency. The American Heart Association uses the acronym C-A-B to help remember the correct sequence for performing CPR. The first step, Compressions, involves pushing hard and fast on the person’s chest. This step is crucial for CPR. To perform compressions correctly, use your hands to push down firmly and quickly on the chest. Rescue breathing, which can be done via mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose if the mouth is injured or inaccessible, is also recommended. For better protection, using a bag-mask device with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is advised for rescue breaths. Objective 1. To assess the knowledge before and after administration of video assisted teaching programme regarding knowledge on adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation among school teachers of selected schools of Kheda district. 2. To assess the practice before and after administration of video assisted teaching programme regarding knowledge on adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation among school teachers of selected schools of Kheda district. 3. To find out the associtation of pre-test knowledge and practice score of school teacher on adult cardio-pulmonary resuscitation with their selected demographic variable. 4. To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation among school teachers of selected schools of Kheda district. 5. To evaluate the practice regarding adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation after administration of video assisted teaching programme among school teachers of selected schools of Kheda district.Methodology: The quasi experimental research design is used for this study. The study was conducted on 60 school teachers from selected schools of Kheda district by non-randomize sampling technique. A knowledge questionnaire tool and practice checklist was used for data collection. Results: In this study total 60 samples in result experimental pretest knowledge score inadequate 18 (60%), moderate 12 (40%), and adequate 0 (0%) and posttest knowledge score is good 8(26.5%), adequate 22(73.3%) inadequate 0 (0%). Pretest practice score poor 5(16.7%), average 25 (83.3%) and good 0 (0%). Posttest practice score average 13(43.3%), good 17(56.7%) and poor 0(0%). Control group pretest knowledge score inadequate 29(96.7%), moderate 3(3.3%), & posttest knowledge score 26(86.7%), moderate 3(10%), adequate 22(73.3%). Pretest practice score good 8(26.7%), average 22(73.3%) and posttest practice score poor 3(10%), average 25(83.3%), good 2 (6.7%). Conclusion: The result of present study to show that video assisted teaching programme on adult CPR has positive impact, school teachers have good knowledge and poor practice. the study highlights the disparity between knowledge and practice regarding adult CPR among school teachers. Although the majority adequate knowledge and poor practice. This emphasizes the need for targeted educational interventions to improve understanding toward adult CPR.

Keywords: Video Assisted Teaching Programme; Knowledge; Practice; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; School Teachers

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