ISSN: 2474-9222
Authors: William Olaho Mukani*
Traditionally, camel milk (CM) and camel urine (CU) have been used in the treatment of various pathologies, such as tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, ascites, abdominal problems, anemia, and abdominal tumors. The therapeutic qualities of CM and CU are due to a number of potent biomolecules with promising medicinal qualities including apoptic capacity to modulate, slow and/ or inhibit growth or kill cancer cells. These biomolecules include but not limited to: lactoferrin, alpha-lactalbumin (α-LA) protein, Milk-derived peptides, especially whey proteins and lactoperoxidase, that contribute to the non-immune host defense system, exerting anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial activity, on Gram-negative bacteria and promoting growth activity. In addition, CM contains enzymes that exert antibacterial and immunological properties, viz.: lysozyme, unique immunoglobulins, complements components, and Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein (PGRP). The PGRP has a broad antimicrobial activity but has also been reported to control cancer metastasis. On the other hand, thirty different compounds have been isolated from CU and it is believed that the latter has a therapeutic effect for a wide range of diseases. The in vitro and in vivo studies in animals and humans of the anticarcinogenic effects of the CM and CU biomolecules are mainly attributed to: inhibition of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, proliferation of cancer cells, and induction of cancer apoptosis and the improvement on the life span and the survival of animals due to clearance of malignant tumors in various organs and the inhibition of progression to metastasis. Prospects of isolating promising therapeutic nanoparticles/nano-bodies/nano-rods from camels are now being explored for cancer therapy. However, there is still a wide gap with regard to advanced research geared towards identifying and designing suitable therapeutic nano-materials from CM and CU for clinical use. Therefore, this review examines the claims attributed to camel milk and urine, and proposes a deeper understanding of the therapeutic clinical potential of CM and CU biomolecules in the management of human and animal cancers.
Keywords: Camel Milk; Urine; Anti-Cancer Properties
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