Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (OAJPR)

ISSN: 2574-7797

Research Article

Acido Labile or Gastro Irritant Apis and Enteric Release in Galenic Practice: An Overview

Authors: Luisetto M , Almukthar N , Edbey K , Mashori GR , Cabianca L and Latyshev O

DOI: 10.23880/oajpr-16000327


Aim of this work is to verify the acid lable, gastro irritants APIs for oral subministration and the active molecule that need a specific enteric release. This information are useful in galenic field in order to choose the best vehicle (for oral suspension or solution) and the right kind of capsules (normal or with gastroresistance). In this article not all molecules are analysed, only submitted significative example. Some formulation are reported that require specific PH or enteric release or based on lightly water soluble API. Various charcteristics of some commercial product (vehicle for oral suspension) are reported only to show the composition and the rationale of their use: the reason to use one veicle for ph 4 or for buffered at ph 7-8 or and related the capsules: use of normal or AR or treated for gastroresistence-enteric coating. The chemico-phisical properties of the active principle are crucial to choose the right veicle for oral suspension or the kind of capsules (gastroresistence or not). Fundamental for this approach the physiology of the Ph variation along the GI apparatus.

Keywords: Chemico-Phisical Properties; Physiology; Acid-Labile API; Gastro Irritants API; Enteric Release; Galenic; Gastroresistance; Ready for use Vehicle for Oral Suspension; Gastro Resistance Cps; Solubility; Compatibility; Stability

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