Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319

Research Article

A comparative Study to Assess Behaviour Pattern of Single Child and Child with Siblings between the Age Group of 6-12 Years in Nadiad City, Gujarat

Authors: Bariya M , Parmar N* , Patel P , Panchal P , Vasava P and Patel P

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000449


Context: The comparison of behavior patterns between single children and those with siblings within the age group of 6-12 years explores how family structure influences developmental outcomes during this crucial period of growth. Aims: This study aims to compare the behaviour pattern of single and child with sibling between the age group of 6-12 years in Nadiad city, Gujrat. Settings and Design: Study setting was nadiad city, gujrat Methods and Material: A comparative research design was adopted. Samples were single child and child with siblings between age group of 6-12 years. Tool was administered to 60 children in which 30 were single child and 30 were child with sibling were randomly selected. Demographic data and Modified behaviour checklist used to collect the data. Statistical analysis used: The collected data were entered into Microsoft excel application software package and checked for entry error. Frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, percentage, chi- squared test were applied to analyze the data. Results: Findings revealed, out of 60 children, single child shows that 26.66% child have good behaviour pattern, 33.32% child have average behaviour pattern, 40% single have poor behaviour pattern and among child with siblings' shows that 40% have good behaviour pattern, 23.32% have average behaviour pattern, 36.66% have poor behaviour pattern. It shows that the behaviour pattern of child with sibling is good compared to single child. Conclusions: single child benefit from focused attention and greater independence, while children with siblings gain valuable social skills and experience complex emotional dynamics. Each situation provides unique developmental advantages.

Keywords: Study; Assess; Behaviour Pattern; Single Child; Child With Siblings

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