Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319

Research Article

Family-Work Conflict and Compliance with Safety Behaviour: Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support among Officers and Men of Nigeria Police Force

Authors: Eze Ifeanyichukwu C* and Ayogu Chiagolum E

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000451


Police officers often face unique stressors due to the high-demand nature of their work, which may lead to conflicts between family responsibilities and work obligations. These conflicts can negatively impact their adherence to safety protocols and behaviours, thereby increasing risks for officers and their communities. The present study adopted a cross-sectional survey design to investigate the interplay between family-work conflict and compliance with safety work behaviour among police officers and the moderating role of perceived organizational support in such association. A sample of (N = 600) police officers and men (age range 25-45 years; M = 32.40 years; SD = 4.93) recruited through multi-stage sampling from six police zones in Nigeria participated in this study. Self-report measures of the Safety Behaviour Scale, Family-Work Conflict Scale, and Perceived Organizational Support Scale were used for data collection, while the Hayes regression-based PROCESS Macro for SPSS was used for data analysis. The results revealed that family-work conflict has a significantly negative relationship with compliance to safety behaviours, while perceived organizational support positively correlated with compliance to safety behaviours. In addition, the interaction effect between perceived organizational support and family-work conflict on compliance with safety behaviours was significant, indicating that perceived organizational support moderated the relationship between family-work conflict and compliance with safety behaviours. The findings underscore the importance of fostering a supportive organizational environment to enhance safety compliance, even in family-work conflict. This contributes to the growing literature on occupational health psychology and provides actionable insights for law enforcement agencies to improve officers’ wellbeing and operational safety.

Keywords: Family-Work Conflict; Compliance; Organizational Support; Police Force; Safety Work Behaviour

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