Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

ISSN: 2578-501X


Suety and Spreading-Stromal Hyperplasia and Hyperthecosis Ovary

Authors: Bajaj A

DOI: 10.23880/hij-16000268


Stromal hyperplasia of the ovary emerges as a nonneoplastic, functional disorder delineating nodular or diffuse proliferation of ovarian stroma. Ovarian hyperthecosis typically demonstrates proliferation of ovarian stroma along with luteinization of stromal cells. Diffuse or nodular proliferation of ovarian stroma may represent as singular cells and clusters or nodules of luteinized cells. The condition is associated with excessive androgen production with consequently elevated serum testosterone levels. In contrast to normal ovaries, ovaries with stromal hyperplasia and hyperthecosis secrete significant quantities of androstenedione which may metabolize into oestradiol with peripheral aromatization. Emerging endometrial pathology may manifest with clinical symptoms as vaginal bleeding. Alternatively, symptoms of hyperandrogenism as androgenetic alopecia or hirsutism may concur with elevated serum testosterone levels. Commonly confined to ovarian stroma, stromal hyperplasia with hyperthecosis is encountered within postmenopausal women. Condition may arise within 51 years to 64 years with average age of disease emergence at 55 years. Women within reproductive age group are infrequently implicated (< 1%).

Keywords: Stromal Hyperplasia; Non-Neoplastic; Luteinization

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