ISSN: 2476-2490
Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare disease, particularly in children characterized by histiocyte proliferation within the sinusoids of lymph nodes and in extranodal tissue that progresses with extensive lymphadenopathy. Massive cervical lymphadenopathy as the initial manifestation tends to raise the initial suspicion of lymphoma. We report a 12-yearold boy presented with right-sided extensive neck swelling, Initial lymph node biopsy, and S 100, CD68 positive in immunohistochemistry confirming the diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease. Although spontaneous resolution occurs, in our case, even after chemotherapy the child presented with recurrent neck swelling, and needed neck dissection.
Keywords: Rosai-Dorfman Disease (RDD); Histiocytosis; Sinus; Histiocytosis; Non-Langerhans-Cell; Lymph Nodes; Child
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