ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Kankonkar R* and Karekar Chetan
Morbidity and Mortality secondary to burn injuries is a concern in developing countries as the number of fatalities are rising day by day. By definition a Burn is an injury which is caused by application of heat (by conduction or radiation) or chemical substances to the external or internal surfaces of the body, which cause destruction of tissue. The minimum temperature for producing a burn is about 44C for an exposure of about 5-6 hours. At 65 C 2 seconds are sufficient to produce burns and full thickness destruction of skin occur within seconds above 700 C. Deaths related to burn injuries have tremendous medicolegal importance as they are one of the commonest causes of unnatural deaths in India. The major aim behind this study is to understand and analyse the epidemiological, medicolegal aspects of fatal burn injuries retrospectively for a period of 10 years.
Keywords: Epidemiology; Fatal; Burns; Manner; Mortality
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