Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal (MHRIJ)

ISSN: 2578-5095

Review Article

Post-Truth Reality: Worldwide Infodemia and Mental Health Concerns during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic Scenarios

Authors: Chavez-Valdez SM

DOI: 10.23880/mhrij-16000262


Introduction: The health emergency due to COVID-19 added to the pre-existing mental health panorama, especially with respect to perceived stress, anxiety and depression, to the risk cognition that the infodemia entails, together with the economic and psychosocial ones, triggered a mental health pandemic in the medium and long term. mental health. Aim: Describe associations between infodemia, mental and psychosocial health as well as associated conditions in the population during the contingency due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional, empirical, descriptive study was carried out through a documentary review. Results: Massive information promotes beliefs, values and ideals endorsed as real that misinform, generating chaos in virtual communities disregarding scientific evidence, consequently, detonating greater physical and mental vulnerability that reinforced a pandemic mental health crisis due to SARS-COV2.

Keywords: Infodemic; Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Pandemic; Mind, Health

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