ISSN: 2577-297X
Authors: Kinkpe CVA*, Niane MM, Gueye AB, Lamah L, Traore MM, Ndoye GF, Coulibaly NF and Diop AN
Pott's disease of the cervico-occipital hinge is an exceptional and serious condition due to the risk of bulbo-medullary compression. The authors present a case of sub-occipital tuberculosis in a 19-year-old patient with progressive and sequential tetraplegia. The MRI which guided our diagnosis showed lytic images at the top of the tooth with an abscess overhanging it and compressing the bulb. The positive diagnosis was confirmed by tuberculin intradermoreaction and Genexpert. As an emergency, we have administered a bolus of corticosteroid and then anti-tuberculous chemotherapy for 9 months. Subsequently we made a posterior lacing C1-C2. The evolution was favorable with the disappearance of the neurological disorders. This type of lesion requires an accurate diagnosis for appropriate care.
Sub Occipital Pott's Disease; Quadriplegia