ISSN: 2577-4379
Abnormal Cytopathological Induced on Datura Metel L. Tissues Reveals Severe Damage after Potato Virus Y (PVY) Infection
Mohamed SAE, Abdalla OA* and Fahmy FG
Potato virus Y (PVY) is considered as one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production and many other crops. The present study was conducted to investigate damage caused by PVY infection in Datura metel L., and demonstrated that changes induced by PVY within the infected leaf cells of Datura metel L. can affect the function of the cell.
In this study ultra-transverse and a longitudinal thin section of electron microscopy were used and revealed that PVY infection caused significant damage in infected cell of Datura. This damage was pronounced in form of swollen and vacuolation of the mitochondria. Virus’s particles were found in the chloroplasts, mitochondria and in the cytoplasm of the aforesaid plant cells. Moreover, viral particles were forming a cluster in the cytoplasm and inclusion bodies were observed in the infected cell. However, nuclear and plasma membrane are disrupted. Digestion of nucleus chromatin was observed. This study showed that the mitochondria in the infected leaf of Datura metel L. with PVY was severely damaged due to viral infection and led to a rupture in the mitochondria membrane. Longitudinal ultra-thin sections clearly demonstrated that cell organelles in infected leaf of Datura metel L. were deformed after PVY infection, and this damage appeared in form of disintegration of the chloroplast, and decrease in numbers of mitochondria. This study illustrated the damage in infected cell with PVY and suggests this damage cause the external symptoms of PVY infection and lead to decrease in the growth and yield of the infected plants.
Cytology; Datura metel L; Potato virus Y
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