ISSN: 2578-5079
Authors: Kandavadivelu M*
OEIS complex comprises of a combination of defects including Omphalocele, Exstrophy of bladder, Imperforate anus and Spinal defects. The prenatal ultrasound of the fetus may show grossly malformed fetus. It may be provisionally diagnosed as OEIS complex by Non - visualization of urinary bladder, presence of Omphalocele, limb and spine defects in the ultrasound. During dissection of the fetus short umbilical cord and adherent amniotic membrane may be observed. On opening the sac, liver, intestines and cloaca were found to be contents. External genitalia and anal opening may not be seen. There may be an imperforate anus. Fetal spine may shows scoliosis, hemivertebrae or any other vertebral anomalies. Prognosis of the fetus depends on the associated anomalies and its severity. Serial ultrasonography may be used to accurately diagnose abdominal wall defect in utero and to diagnose the associated anomalies. The possibility of correction of the defects after birth of the fetus or termination of the fetus may be determined by the Ultrasound.
Keywords: Exstrophy of bladder; Omphalocele; Scoliosis; Umbilical cord
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